Established in 1983

Membership Application Packet

Download and print the membership application packet below. Mail the completed membership application from the membership packet along with a check payable to “DFAW” to the address at the bottom of the one-page application. 

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to receiving your application.

Download Membership Application Packet

Membership Welcome Preview Packet

Check out our SAMPLE of the information you receive when you join. If your goal is to receive a certificate of lineage, glance at the Lineage Form instructions and hints for documentation required for submitting a direct line to a Founder. This Lineage Form and Instructions are sent to each new member with additional Lineage Forms available to active members by request by emailing as a benefit of membership in the Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor.  
We encourage submissions by members as a second step after membership application with payment of fees and dues is mailed and processed.  


Contact Pamela Roberts